What is the Murphy Center?
The Murphy Center is designed to be a “One Stop Shop” for services for families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.  Resource Specialists connect guests with local agencies providing community resources on site.  Services available include employment resources; housing assistance; financial counseling; transportation assistance; job training and educational opportunities; mental health and substance abuse counseling; phone and computer access for employment contacts; medical room; washer/dryer, showers and storage facilities; and play areas for children.

Who does the Murphy Center serve?
Women, men and children of all ages, who are homeless or near homeless.

Why do you refer to people at the Murphy Center as “guests?”
At the Murphy Center we refer to the people coming for assistance as “guests.” We believe that it is important for each person who walks through our doors to be treated with the same dignity and respect that a guest coming into our homes would receive. By referring to those we serve as guests we hope that it will be a signal to them that they are somewhere safe where they are cared for and to the staff we hope it is a constant reminder to strive to live up to the example of unconditional compassion that Sister Mary Alice has set for us.

Is the Murphy Center a homeless shelter?
No, it is not a shelter. We do work very closely with the Catholic Charities shelter and the Fort Collins Rescue Mission.

How many people does the Murphy Center serve each day?
We see an average of 156 people per day.

How is the Murphy Center funded?
The United Way of Larimer County provides a substantial portion of the funding for the Murphy Center. A number of foundations, churches and individuals make the programs and services possible with their financial and in-kind support. Please see the “Business and Community Partners” section for a list of our major supporters.

What can I do to help the Murphy Center?
Please see the tab on top for “How to Help.” There is a wish list of items needed, information on volunteering and information on financial donations.

Is the Murphy Center a Catholic Organization?
It is not a Catholic organization, but its namesake, Sister Mary Alice Murphy, is a Catholic nun who has created numerous programs in the community to serve those in our community who are less fortunate and in need of assistance.

What is the Murphy Center for Hope’s stance on panhandling?
The Murphy Center is all about restoring hope to the homeless. We are often asked how we feel about panhandling. It’s a tough issue and one that draws much controversy, even among homeless advocates. Our recommendation is to not give money to panhandlers because some people who are panhandling may be struggling with addiction, and the donor has no way of knowing if their gift is helping or hurting. It is nice to smile at the person panhandling and say, “No, thank you,” – in this way, you are recognizing the person as an individual rather than ignoring him or her. Some people like to give out energy bars or water. We believe the best way to help homeless men and women in our community is to support organizations that assist people on their journey from homelessness to housing as a volunteer or donor.

If you have questions about the services at the Murphy Center, please go to the “Our Services” tab at the top of this page.