Guest Stories

One guest, who was facing homelessness for the first time says, ”The Murphy Center was completely instrumental in all facets of help that I needed. The smiles and encouragement here made all the difference. In fact, everything I now enjoy is a direct result of the many resources and services that the Murphy Center offers. I am extremely grateful that such a place is in existence, otherwise I’m not certain what my circumstances would be at this time in my life.” David


“I had been without a place to live since June of 2009, after losing my job. I spent 11 months in Cheyenne because I wanted to get away for a while, learn some things about myself and renew my spirit, and I think I am better and stronger for it. I came back to Fort Collins in May 2010, and have been working on putting my life back together, and the Murphy Center has been a tremendous resource. It’s been a place to heal and start taking steps forward. It can be a long process and takes time, but little by little things do change.” Richard


“I came to Fort Collins for a new start. The Murphy Center has been a total blessing. Through their help I have received assistance from a number of resources. I have gotten food stamps, medical care and job search assistance. We now have an apartment and things are finally going well for us thanks to the Murphy Center programs.” Ellen


“I previously lived in California and when my husband of six years said he longer wanted to be married, I did not know what to do. I could not see myself living in California and being able to take care of my son. So I decided to move here and move in with my mother.  I started working in April of 2010, and still continue to work hard every day. I started to look at options for getting on my own two feet and when I went to try to get assistance (food stamps and TANF), they told me I made $50 too much to receive help from them. They directed me to the Murphy Center for Hope and I came in and talked to Esther. She was motivating and gave me some options with what I could do. I met with Steve and he helped me with housing and gave me hope again that I could get my own place and make a great life for me and my son.

Today I am moving into my own place. I am able to get the keys and start the life I always dreamed of having. I m extremely thankful to this Center for Hope because that is exactly what it gave me: Hope! I know this is the first step to having my own independence and giving me and my son a life we deserve.” Jessica


“To everyone at the Murphy Center for Hope: Without your help I would not have been able to get my new dentures, not be able to smile again. With your help I have a different way of looking at things, life, family, etc. Thank you everyone for your support and friendship and I thank the people who help you make a dream come true. I’m very grateful. God bless you all.” Allen